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11th DWI Charge for St. Louis Area Man

Posted by Chris Kopecky | Aug 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

Wow! A guy in St. Louis County is recently looking at DWI charges for at least the 11th time. 11th St. Louis DWI And these are just the ones we know about. He is out on $100,000 bond which means they are somewhat concerned for the public safety and that he is a flight risk. What do you do with a guy like that? Clearly he is gone to jail at different points over the last few convictions but he still keeps reoffending

Kopecky Law, P.A.

For nearly two decades, The Traffic Lawyers of Kopecky Law, P.A. have represented thousands of clients in various traffic matters ranging from speeding tickets to complicated DUI/DWI cases.

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Whether you are charged with possession of marijuana or some other drug case, charged with shoplifting or theft, or were pulled over for DUI or DWI, we can help you. Call us at (816)268-8886 in the Kansas City Metro area or (855)DUI-ATTY everywhere else.